Overview of cannabis legislation in the world

Cannabis became illegal in most countries of the world during the 20th century after the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961. This convention was written in response to the great fear of the 1960s with the emergence of new drugs: LSD, amphetamines and heroin.
Cannabis was added to the list by the United States, which had been cracking down on it since 1937 with the Marihuana Tax Act passed in the wake of the troubles caused by the Great Depression.

Since the 2000s, Canada and several other countries have begun to distinguish the medical use of cannabis from its simple possession.

As scientific advances were made on this plant, its cultivation, possession for private use and distribution went from being illegal to being regulated, as in Holland in 1976 with coffee shops, the only and unique places to sell and consume.

In December 2013, Uruguay became the first country in the world to legalize the recreational use, production and sale of cannabis. On October 17, 2018, Canada did the same, followed by Thailand in 2021.

Today, the prohibition of cannabis and its derivatives are often a source of debate because of the trafficking they generate. Thanks to scientific and technological advances, the psychoactive molecules present in hemp can be isolated, making it totally healthy.

Is cannabis legal?

At the global level

The WHO has determined that the CBD molecule, derived from Cannabis, should not be classified in the international list of controlled substances.

The World Anti-Doping Agency withdrew, in October 2017, Cannabidiol (CBD) from the list of prohibited substances (learn more).

The World Health Organization confirmed in June 2018 that there was presently no evidence of recreational use of CBD and no public health problem associated with the use of pure CBD (learn more).


At the EU level

No restriction is made on products derived from hemp, Cannabis Sativa L., on the condition that they are derived from authorized strains, and that the delta9-THC content is inferior to 0.3%.

At Romanian level

In Romanian law reports, no explicit ban on CBD from hemp. Since there is no explicit ban on CBD oil, it is legal in Romania.